BizTucson Magazine is a prime example of the successful navigation of the intricacies in magazine design, production and distribution. In the creation of a magazine, there is not only the design, which must be consistent issue after issue, but also tracking and scheduling are crucial to its success. The coordination with writers, editors, photographers and designers is important to insure that printing and mailing deadlines are met.
Another aspect in the production of a magazine is advertising. Advertising is the life-blood of the magazine, so the ability to support ad sales with marketing materials as well as be able to process ads when they come in are key factors which will determine if the magazine will be successful.
BizTucson captures the excitement of southern Arizona’s dynamic business community.
The quarterly magazine targets the region’s:
• CEO’s
• Presidents
• Business Owners
• Entrepreneurs
• Managers in the Private and Public Sectors
With the city’s population at one million plus, a business magazine is vital to the region’s success and vitality. The magazine strives to create a stronger awareness level for the area’s little known success stories Tucson’s technology, solar, transportation/logistics, aerospace/defense, medical research, environmental science, optics and bioscience sectors receive significant national and international press, yet in many cases this success is not been publicized locally. Presentation of these articles in a glossy magazine format serves as an outstanding economic development tool for the region. More importantly, the B2B exposure garners great advertising results for those businesses making a marketing investment with BizTucson.